Friday, January 20, 2006

Sllooww School PCs...

Sheesh! I'm fed up with the school computers...

Even though the IT staff just bought new ones, they still only have Celeron D processors, and rubbish little TFT monitors. Worst of all, they seem to have gummed up the whole network.

We have these new School E-Mail addresses, that apparently the whole country has, and I have to say, they are hopeless. They use a web-based interface, and seem to run on one old server that eventually serves up the ASP pages, albeit slowly.

I'm a bit worried actually, because our school uses a new program for ICT SATs, that sends you an e-mail on the school account, and then gives you 10 minutes (for example) to carry out the task and reply with the answer(s) before sending the next one. The problem with this is, it took me nearly 10 minutes to get to the 'Check Mail' screen and a further 3 to get to the Inbox!

They'll have to fix it... :/


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That really seems to me like a very, very, VERY silly program. :/

9:10 PM

Blogger Jonty said...

I think that as well...
It runs in the system tray and pops up every so often to tell you how long you have left. The only problem is, is starts the timer when it sends the e-mail, so you have to retrieve the message first!

9:02 AM


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