Saturday, January 14, 2006

GCSE Options

Well, it's that time - time to choose my options!

I've been thinking long and hard about which ones to choose, and while I'll obviously choose ICT (Because I'm so good ;-D), I'm not sure about the rest.
I don't even know how many I'm supposed to choose!

'Connexions' Leaflet wrote:
Choose courses that:
  • You know you can do well in
  • Are in subjects you like
  • Help you learn in the best way for you
  • Will help you keep your options open in the future
I guess that means I'll do well in Science, and I might do something Sciency. I also like Music, and I play the Keyboard/Piano, so that'll work. I might also take 'Systems & Control Technology', where you learn how to make/control robotics and learn about things in that area.

I'll have to do some serious thinking...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you not have compulsory courses to take, such as Maths and English? (I'm guessing you do). Thinking back to when I was picking my Standard Grades, I had a fairly limited choice because I was at a really small school anyway. Still managed to do things like German (via videoconferencing) and Higher Computing though, so that's not too bad.

All seems like years ago now... probably because it is.

2:28 PM

Blogger Jonty said...

Yes, we do have compulsory courses, but we have to take *so many* more as well.

2:44 PM


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